About the Website

Scrapmetalgallery will help gamers fully immerse themselves in the gaming industry and find out about every noteworthy game and event. Users who regularly visit the website will always be aware of everything that interests fans of the best gaming worlds these days. They will also be able to easily keep track of current trends without getting lost in a huge flow of information.

News and all sorts of rankings will help users to quickly and superficially learn about all interesting projects, while reviews will tell them in detail about various games. In this way, gamers will be able to immediately decide if a certain game is worth playing, and if so, how they should start.

About author

Hi! My name is Jan Novák, and I’ve been fascinated by the world of RPGs and online poker for over a dozen years. One day, while participating in a poker tournament, I found myself at the same virtual table with my favorite fiction writer. We started talking, and I realized that our experiences in strategy games and literature had a lot in common. This incident inspired me not only to write about games but also to cross-game strategies with tactics from fantasy universes. Now, my articles don’t just describe games; they tell stories that capture and immerse the reader in unique game worlds where the combination of strategy and imagination becomes the key to victory.